Sunday, October 16, 2005

Simply Splashing

Alright, it's another week so we have another blog post...Some great & awesome stuff here so read on...

  • Draw...Anything
Well this is cool... especially for you artist types out there. It's a new brush from the brilliant minds of MIT. It is a brush that picks up colors from everywhere you specifically point it at. You can then draw/paint an image onto a touchscreen canvas. Best of all? It can pick up movements like eyes blinking and movement over multiple colors. Check out a online video here.

  • Another...Apple....Event!
Well for those of you that don't remember Apple had a music event about a month ago on Sept. 7. Well they had yet another one this last Wednesday. Some crazy stuff happened, a Video iPod, with the power to play video; a new iMac, with built in iSight(Webcam) and a slimmer design; and lastly iTunes 6, even though we were only at 5.0.2 they bumped it up so that it has a Video tab and we now can download such shows as Lost and Desperate Housewives as well as tons of music videos and a few Pixar shorts. This is some crazy stuff coming out of Apple...whats even more crazy? ANOTHER media event that's planned for the 19th...whoa. Check out a video feed of last weeks event here. For even more indepth info on the good and bad of the event check stuff out here.

  • Rock Out
This is a shweet guitar. It hooks right into you computer via Firewire and then you can play and it records, overall it's a pretty sweet setup that prevents you having to hook up to another third-party product. I'd definately get this, IF I knew it's price...and then I still wouldn't be able to because it would be WAY out of my price-range...I'll keep dreaming.

  • Pranking Geek Squad
Love tech support? Hate tech support? Are tech support? Either way you've gotta love what these guys did. They pranked Best Buys Geek Squad with some erm..."interesting"...problems. I've got all of these saved to my harddrive for later reference. Techies and non-techies alike will laugh at at least some of these. The most hilarious part? The Geek Squads response...never EVER outsource your tech support cause these people don't know a thing! (It's my suggestion that you do as it suggests to digg users and listen to Fan Won't Work may be the longest but it's probably the greatest!)

  • Free Music, Tender
If you want a full ablum free your most likely going to pirate it aren't you? Well here is a band with an idea, they offer their first portion of the ablum (first ten songs) online for free and they hope that the people will like it and order the full version which also includes some added bonus' (stickers, pin-ups etc.) I hope more bands will do this. If only for the free LEGAL tunes...Ok just for the fact that it's free legal tunes. Get the portion here. Edit: Another band, this time a Dutch punk band (they sing in english) has their ablum up.

  • Messing Myspace
Ok, now this is quality humour. A guy decided he wanted more friends on the popular social site MySpace and so he delved into the source code and messed with some programming to make him, well, popular. Read the story here. DEFINATELY a good read.

  • Life's Broken
Ever feel like the world is broken? Well it is. This site is fully powered by its users that show pictures of things that are "broken" in from life. You can find a full host of images in its database. It's a good site for a small chuckle. Check it.

  • Life's A Game
Yes, another portion started by stating what life really is. Moving on, this site shows a group of people who act out parts of video games. From playing tetris and tring to fit into anything to being Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid and sneak into the back of a restaurant...and getting chased out by a cook with a butchers knife. These guys have it all. Lots of video for your viewing pleasure.

And so ends this great big post from me...I hope you enjoy my musing and ramblings of things that I find as I splah around the net...And now? The Fast and the Furious 3....This flash cartoon sums it up nicely and simply I say.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Pension Soda

Alright, it's just going to be once a week from now on out unless something odd and crazy with out further blither-blather here we go...

  • More Mech!
Alright, if you don't remember my VERY first post check it out and read the heading "A Real Mech" ... Alright done? Awesome hey? Anyways it seems we've got another mech. This one comes from Japan. Unfortuanatly it doesn't look like the company is trying to go as far as Neogentronyx is but it still looks/seems awesome nonetheless. The guns that you see apparantly shoot squishy balls and the legs "roll" on wheels. Bleh, the rolling doesn't seem to appealing but I like the squishy balls as a non-lethal way to attack your enemy. Check out a video of it here... even though it's two and a half minutes long it seems to drag on...(It needs sound) Check it all out though.

  • DARPA Grand Challenge Winner
Alright so if you don't know what the DARPA Grand Challenge is you will by the end of this post. It's a robot car race event where the cars are, as you may have guessed robots. The second year for this event just finished and we actually have a winner! If you don't know why having a winner is so great, it's not the $2 Million purse or the coolness of having robot cars win stuff on their's the fact that last year there was no winner. The winner this year was the Stanford Racing Teams Volkswagon Touerag R5. Check out everything about the event here.

  • Invade! Invade! Invade!
Now we all know that we secretly desire to pull mass zombie invasion upon the city in which we live. Now, make it a reality with this flash applet. You can totally customize your invasion by allowing or not allowing guns, controlling the number of soldiers, allowing or not allowing your zombies to be able to break through walls with a number of other things...check out versions 2 and 3.

  • Free Games!
Check it out. A bunch of companies got together and decided that since their games aren't selling in the bargain bins they'd just put their games up on the net. It's all legal and safe and it has the likes of GTA 1 & 2, the Marathon series and Quake 1-3. For a complete list of downloads check it out here.
  • Ha-uge TV!
What can I say? It's huge! I SOO want it! I just don't want to be the poor fan who has to sit right in front of it and want's to see the instant replay. Hate to crane my neck to see it...Ouch!

Do you know what I'd do instead of putting money away for my pension? I'd buy soda, why? Cause sodas tasty!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Suffer Of Nothing

Alright...shoot kicked in to full gear and with other extra-curricular activities a blog post a day is in no way going to be happening. I'd be happy with once a week if I can get that through...Since it's been over two weeks I've got lots of stuff happy!

  • 3D Modelling App? Free?
Now THIS is can get one of those high-end, shmancy-fancy 3D modelling apps completely free. Just sign-up for free to become a Bronze level member. Then you'll get your code via email. Download the app and start it up, install and your golden (well bronze until you update your membership, which you don't need to) I've been using this for about a week no and the only limitations that I've found is that when going into any layers above the wire-frame layer you get the Alias logo overlayed on top of the image (as you can see to the right, that's a really simple creation I did in like 20 minutes or so) It is pretty sweet to fool around with and even make animations. It's pretty demanding on resources so make sure your computer isn't from 1998 or something ok?

  • Your Music Preference, And More.
This site here is just plain awesome. You put in a band name or a song name and then it searches throughout it's database. Then it plays one song by the band you named or it plays the song you named. Once it plays through that (or you click next) it brings up a new song that it thinks you might like or is similar in still to the artist or song you named. Best of all? It transcends genres, so it doesn't just play from the same genre. Your first 10 hours are free...then you have to subscribe and pay...Still wicked though.

  • Cheap Technology For All!
Here is an article running on BBC about a sub-$100 laptop for developing nations and school students. Personally I think this is great...It's got a rubber coating and a whole load of other things to keep it durable and solid. Getting technology to as many people as possible is always a great thing. You can't honestly deny it...Can you?

  • Humor Break!
Alright a little break from the tech humor! Well mostly. First off, make sure you check out the Ten Commandments of Tech. Then head on over to New Grounds to watch Super Mario Reloaded (Mario/Matrix Spoof) in 16 Bit! Then if you really haven't had enough, go on over to Daring Fireball to read about Dells new DJ Ditty. Want to find out some more humour sites or the main links to those sites? Well, this link might help you. Enjoy!

  • Crazy Concepts!?!
Just...Wow...I am totally speachless..I mean look at the thing does that not look totally awesome? It's called the Toyota I-Unit. You can control it slowly while in the upright position...Then move at fast speeds by moving into a lower/horizontal position...I doubt it will ever become a full-fledged real consumer product but And then there's this seems to have potential but I'm not to keen on an egg car. Check all of those links out though!

  • More Microsoft
Remember that one post where I contrasted Windows Vista's new "Gadgets"? If not here is the link... Well it turned out I was right...Possibly amazing I know. What makes me so sure? Well, considering Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer admitted it I'd say I'm in the clear. Just read the last question and answer in the interview I linked above...

  • Apple Spoofs!
Well it seems every Mac Geek in the known world is linking this iPod Nano spoof...If you haven't seen the iPod Nano commercials yet you might not get it but it is humourous non-the-less. And this video gives a humourous portrayal of how not to act with an iPod. Check it.

  • Video Game Geeks On The Big Screen.
Well, well, well....It seems there is a movie coming that's all about the life of a Video Game's the trailer...It looks....uhm? Interesting? Check it out for yourselves, it looks very stereotypical to me...

And so ends the suffering of nothing by this one post that is double the size of a regular post. I hope to have a couple of posts for this upcoming week but we'll see how it goes.