Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Alright...Up and at 'em here we go.

  • Write From Anywhere
We've been seeing alot of online applications these days, and this is one of the cooler ones. It's an online word processor that can be accessed from anywhere you can find an internet connection. It has a the mass majority of features that you would regularly find as well as some other neat things, such as, posting directly to a blog, exporting to text-compatible file formats and, best of all, the ability to have many people work on it at once. It's neat and although lacking a few simple features it is something you should really check out.

  • Drag and Type - It's As Easy As That
Protopage, using the Ruby-On-Rails framework is really quite cool. Another online application, this makes the website design process a piece of cake (not literally, although I wish it was). It'll take you maybe 15 seconds to learn and it's a whole lot of fun (if your into that kind of thing), and the best part is it's free! My simple page took maybe five minutes to set up. Fool around with it and let me know if you come up with anything neat (post in the comments section).

  • Google and Microsoft...Programs
Here are a couple of great programs from Microsoft and Google. From Google we have Google Desktop. After an indexing of your computer (which can take awhile depending on how many files you have) you can easily find anything on your computer about as fast as a Google websearch is. It also has built in weather, Gmail support, Google Talk support as well as a whole load of plugins that can do many things from a stop-watch to controlling iTunes. From Microsoft we have Microsoft PowerToys (Windows XP Only), although not officially supported by Microsoft they are developed by the Microsoft team, there are about ten of them there and they have many neat functions. The few that I have are the Alt-Tab enfancement, Taskbar Magnifier, Desktop Manager and Image Resizing. Check out the site, some of these are really worth the download (which only takes a few seconds normally)

  • Videos
As a follow up to the Yo-Yo video that I posted last week, in which that guy was the third place world champion, here is a full index of the '05 championship. I definately recommend checking out Shinji Saito under 2A who scored a PERFECT 100!
Then there is this questionable basketball video. Some of the shots look unrealistic but they've done a good enough job hiding it if they are fake. Interesting and some-what entertaining watch non-the-less.
Ok, not a video but a audio clip that shows that some people really can love their computers too much, especially Mac's, enter the I Love My Mac song.
If you still have doubts about whether to chose Internet Explorer or Firefox, please, listen to the people!

  • Random Things You Should Know About
These are just a few things I believe you should check out:
This is an interesting population chart that shows the number of people in proportion to their countries size by building the counties shape out of small blocks representing every one million people.
Hey Crackhead is a humourous but honest letter from a vandalization victim to the crackheads who did the vandalization. Very entertaining read.
To show that the RIAA (if you don't know who they are you are just so out of the loop it isn't even funny...Google it) really are the bad guys Princeton students are selling shirts to pay for their friends fine that he recieved when getting busted.
The Best of 2005 as released by BuisnessWeek. I found this article/articles quite interesting. Especially some of the ideas that got featured.
Stretchable Silicon...Not to much to say about it, other then that this could really be revoloutionary in alot of fields, check it out.

  • New Cells
This story tells of these sub-human cells have been around for awhile but show the interesting origin and usages of the Helacyton Gartleri cells. Definately worth a read although some of the stuff mentioned (namely the origin) is kinda gross, that is if your grossed out by tumors and death...yeah, fun stuff...It's neat though.

  • Wallpapers, Wallpapers, Wallpapers
This site has wallpapers for almost any occasion, event, or/and person. As a bonus, they're good! From Snowy Days to Sunsets and the City, it has alot of landscape backrounds as well as abstract and wallpapers that would otherwise be proprietary to a certain OS. Deffinately worth a bookmark in my book (yes I know, that was a REALLY bad pun, sorry). It's there for all of your (computer) wallpapering needs!

And so ends another post, expect another post in January, probably not many on account of horrible and ugly finals.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Fajitas and Burritahs

Well, it's been awhile but finally things are starting to slow down with school and such so here's (finally) an update.

Edit: As you may have (hopefully have) noticed I've changed site template and made it so that only one post is on the main page. To access previous posts please refer to the side bar.
  • Help By Doing Nothing
Seriously. Just as the title says, you can help save lives by doing close to nothing. Folding@Home is a medical research program run by Stanford University. It calculates and models tiny molecules that can lead to finding soloutions on such diseases as Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease and Cancer. What do you have to do? Just download the program, install it, choose your settings and let it go. What it does is use all of your spare CPU cycles (So it doesn't slow down performance one bit) and uses those, that way it runs descreetly. What's in it for you? Well, other then the fact that you may lead to the cure to a disease you might have some day if you join Engadgets Folding Team (At which I am ranked in the high 100's for now) and get 2000 points (you get a certain amount of points for each core that you complete) by December 15th you could win a Tokyo Flash Watch. Hope you all join up!

  • Don't Mess With Monks
This is what I consider an AMAZING professional grade video. This 3D video is pretty awesome. Great music, great animation, great humour and so on and so forth. I just had to mention it. Although the main site isn't in english (it's in french) you can still read enough to check out the story board drawings with look cool aswell. You MUST check this out! Make sure you have Quicktime.
  • A New...Mammal?
Well...Uh...This....Is...Uh...Odd? A new mammal was found in the rainforests of Borneo that is shaped like a cat, looks sort of like a squirrel, and has a long tail. This is crazy stuff, it's pretty neat to hear of a new animal coming out of no-where. Unfortuanately it hasn't been seen by the human eye, only by remote cameras. Just read the article to learn more, and don't forget the video on the side of the page too.

  • Video Round-Up
Well...You know you have too much time on your hands when you're the 3rd Place 2005 Yo-Yo Champion. Seriously though, this guy can do some INSANE tricks with a Yo-Yo. It's just crazy. Check it out.
Also, check out this Star Wars Parody. It's been around for awhile, but it's funny none the less.
Matrix Ping Pong. Yes, that's right real life matrix. This hilarious and oh so corny vid is a great watch.
And lastly, if you like free TV shows, or more specifically The Office, then you can check out a free episode on the net here.

  • Football Anyone?
Microsoft Football that is. Some say that it's just a rehash of the "If Cars Evolved Like Computers" article that was written awhile back (Google it if you haven't read it) but it's still funny none the less. I especially like number eight, mostly because it is so true about the OS. Make sure you read the comments too as some of those are great aswell.

  • Firefox 1.5!
Finally a bit more tech news, Firefox 1.5 was realeased not to long if ago and if you don't have it already you MUST get it. It has improvements to pop-up blocking, speed and downloading updates. The much needed feature of being able to move and organize tabs was also added and it is just amazing. Just to let you know that some of your extensions or themes may not work with 1.5 but I still highly suggest the upgrade. If you don't know what extensions are they are basically plug-ins for the browser, of the extensions that I use (and that work with Firefox 1.5) are...
  1. Tabbrowser Preferences: This makes it so that the browser never opens a new window again, unless you want it to.
  2. IE Tab: Needs alot of work as it is still mostly uncompatible with some codecs. For the sites that don't work in Firefox this extension lets you open a tab of IE inside Firefox, that way you don't have to even load that pesky Internet Explorer
  3. Session Saver .2: The best for last. This is amazing and a must have for someone like me. If your the kind of person who always has atleast a dozen tabs open at once then this is for you. Not even making Firefox crash will phase this extension. It remembers all of the tabs and windows that you left open so you can close down Firefox and reopen it with all of the tabs you had last loading up. It is an awesome extension.

Hope that keeps you all satisified and that there'll be another one or two posts this month.