Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Alright I was pretty busy yesterday so you don't get a full post...Sorry!

  • NES On The Web!
Have that itch for the oldy games? You can play Duck Hunt or play Super Mario Brothers. Super Mario Brothers is in Japanese, to get in to play click on the Green Button, then the Blue Button, and then the top right Red Button. From there control your character using the Arrow Keys and the shift or space to jump. Pick a tube and launch into the Mario World. Duck Hunt is pretty self explanatory...

  • The iPhone
The iPhone is apparently SUPPOSED to be not that great. Although I can't say for myself it is certainly what many are saying, search around, you'll find it. This article tells what Jobs may really be up to...We'll have to wait and see...

  • The Lazy Get Lazier
This gadget lets you use hand motions from your seat to change channels on the TV, as well as fast forward and rewind in movies, exact hand gestures are still getting worked out for other features though, it looks neat.

In other odd and half-significant news "Bush took full responsibility of federal hurricane faluires" and NerdTV Episode 2 was released, but you have to do some fooling around with the URL to get to it as they haven't updated the site yet...

Until later days...You guys got cutskies on a lengthy post (Cutskies = Screwed over) Have a nice day!

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